I sent this almost two hours ago and it seems to have failed to deliver, so I'm resending the message. Please pardon if it is a duplicate.

Thanks for the quick response!

I'm a bit confused. I was told earlier by more than one person on this list that in order to deploy a 5.3.3 app on a server running 5.4.1 that I would need to embed the frameworks. I thought that meant using the ssdd or the war from the dist directory, but it appears I've misunderstood what I was being told...

Anyway, I have nothing in my /Library/WebObjects/Application/ on my build machine. I just did a right click on the build.xml file and selected Run as->Ant Build. I'm guessing that whatever lands in / Library/WebObjects/Application/ is the same as the myapp.woa in the dist directory... I tried using that build product and it appears to be running, but I can't connect to it. Clicking WOStats or the app name on the app details page gives me

You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/WebObjects/myapp.woa/1 on this server.

Clicking on the host-port link there gives me a kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 302 in Safari.

My log in /Library/WebObjects/Logs/ tells me:

(ERXApplication.java:497) INFO er.extensions.ERXApplication $JarChecker - The following packages appear multiple times:

Followed by a long list of frameworks, then:

(ERXApplication.java:513) WARN er.extensions.ERXApplication $JarChecker - The following packages have different versions, you should remove the version you don't want:

Followed by another long list of frameworks, and finally:

(ERXConfigurationManager.java:199) INFO er.extensions.ERXConfigurationManager - WOCachingEnabled is true. Disabling the rapid turnaround for Properties files (ERXNSLogLog4jBridge.java:44) DEBUG NSLog - Finished initialization after launch: ERXExtensions
(Ajax.java:35) INFO  er.ajax.Ajax  - AjaxRequestHandler installed
(ERXNSLogLog4jBridge.java:44) DEBUG NSLog - Finished initialization after launch: Ajax (ERXNSLogLog4jBridge.java:44) DEBUG NSLog - Finished initialization after launch: ERJavaMail (ERXNSLogLog4jBridge.java:44) DEBUG NSLog - Finished initialization after launch: ERPrototypes
(ERXNSLogLog4jBridge.java:38) INFO  NSLog  - Welcome to myapp !
(ERXNSLogLog4jBridge.java:44) DEBUG NSLog - The URL for webserver connect is:
(ERXNSLogLog4jBridge.java:41) WARN  NSLog  -
(ERXNSLogLog4jBridge.java:44) DEBUG NSLog  - Waiting for requests...

Trying the URL listed there gives me another 403 forbidden...

I tried enabling logging with a $ sudo touch /tmp/logWebObjects and so far I see no WebObjects.log in the tmp directory or anything WO related in /var/log either.

So at least it's running, but it's still broken. Can anyone tell what I've done wrong here?


On Jul 16, 2008, at 2:50 AM, D Tim Cummings wrote:

Building the app with servletDeployment=true is good to embed the WO 5.3.3 and Wonder frameworks. However, if you are using wotaskd you do not deploy the SSDD. Instead deploy the app as installed in / Library/WebObjects/Applications/myapp.woa on your build machine.


On 16/07/2008, at 3:57 PM, Rams wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to deploy my first app on wotaskd/JavaMonitor and I'm having trouble getting instances to start.

I have WO 5.4.1 installed on a Mac mini running OS X 10.5.4 client. After installing, I configured the deployment with

sudo /Developer/Examples/JavaWebObjects/Deployment/configure.sh

That seems to get Monitor and wotaskd running fine and launching on boot properly. So, in my sharing preferences, I turned on web sharing to start apache. Then, for the host name I created a host entry with dscl

sudo dscl localhost -create /Local/Default/Hosts/my.domain.com IPAddress

[I recall trying with my 10.0.1.x address assigned by my NAT (airport express), but setting the host wouldn't work in Monitor unless I used the loopback address... ]

Since I'm using WO 5.3.3 and Wonder, I then build my app as a servlet deployment. I do this in WOLips by adding to build.properties the following


and to build.xml

<!-- fix the web.xml file to use a custom Servlet Adaptor that allows for Project Wonder initialization -->

<replaceregexp file="${dest.dir}/${project.name}/WEB-INF/web.xml" match="com.webobjects.jspservlet.WOServletAdaptor" replace="er.extensions.jspservlet.ERXServletAdaptor" byline="true" />

[I think this is okay because I did manage to get the war file to launch under Tomcat. Anyway, I've tried unzipping the war and using the SSDD, and both fail to start in Monitor.]

After building, I moved a copy of the SSDD to the mini. I copied the WebServerResources folder from the deployment directory into / Library/WebServer/Documents/WebObjects/myapp.woa/Contents/ WebServerResources and copied the SSDD into /Library/WebObjects/ Applications/. I then

sudo chown -R _appserver:_appserveradm /Library/WebObjects/ Applications/myapp/

In Monitor, all I've really done is enter the host name, set the HTTP adaptor url to http://my.host.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects, add application named myapp. In my app config, I set the path to / Library/WebObjects/Applications/myapp/WEB-INF/myapp.woa/myapp using the path wizard, push the update, and then try to add an instance of the app. It fails to start, with a death every 60 seconds.

And that's where I'm stuck... any help getting me unstuck would be greatly appreciated.

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