Hi all,

Not a question...

I've been playing around with modifying the ant described in:

http://wiki.objectstyle.org/confluence/display/WOL/Embedding +WOFrameworks

Primarily I wanted to get rid of having to declare project dependencies in build.xml files, coz that's just dirty. So, what I've done was add this to the build.xml:

<!-- This is optional, it installs the framework projects, normally into wolocalroot/Library/Frameworks -->
        <target name="install.projects">
                <subant target="install">
                        <dirset dir="${projects.root}">

                        <!-- in the build.woapp target -->
                        <frameworks root="${wo.wolocalroot}" 
name="woproject/ant.frameworks.projects" />

                        <!-- in the compile target -->
                        <frameworks root="${wo.wolocalroot}">
name="woproject/ant.frameworks.projects" />

The build, compileAndBuild and install targets add an "install.projects" dependency, just after the init.xxx dependency.

Additionally two properties are required in the build.properties:

And a file named ant.frameworks.projects in the wobuild folder, that looks like this:


An ugly point is that each framework needs to be added twice to the file, once just it's name, which will point to the project directory in Eclipse's workspace in the subant, and once as Library/Frameworks/ xxx.framework, which is used in build.woapp and compile targets. If anyone knows how filesets can be modified based on an includesfile (for example the includesfile declares "Name", but we exrapolate "Name.framework" from it, please let me know.

This (from my tests) seems to be working good, and one does not have to modify the ant anymore when adding project dependencies, they just need to be added to the ant.frameworks.projects file.

Also, one might want to add a target which will delete all the installed frameworks from wolocalroot lib, to clean things up.

Hope this is interesting to someone,
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