Hi All,

We are looking at reducing the number of queries made to our Openbase database. When you look at the Openbase sql log file it appears to repeat a number of queries.

Openbase are suggesting we set an objects "time to live" to be 10 seconds to eliminate or reduce these extra queries. Does anyone know what this means in terms of WebObjects?

A long time ago we unticked the caching checkbox in Java monitor as information was not being shared between instances, so I don't want to turn this back on.

The only thing I can find is

but in short I don't feel confident that this will actually solve our problem.

One important thing to note is we use the session.defaultEditingContext virtually everywhere (except reports)

Can anyone suggest a silver bullet?

WebObjects 5.3
Openbase 10.0
Project Wonder
Mac OSX 10.4 deployment

Thanks and regards
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