I downloaded the example flying saucer stuff and got it to run, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to wrap this up in a component. Since I am generating a WOComponent that I want to transform to a pdf, I'm unsure how to send that finished component (i.e. html file) to the pdf renderer for further processing. Do I need to somehow write my WOComponent to a file where the renderer can see it? Or is there a way to divert it to the renderer directly? i.e. How can I get a serialized version of a WOComponent for further processing instead of just sending it back to the user? Or am I off on the wrong path somehow?


On Dec 11, 2008, at 3:57 AM, John Corrigan wrote:

On 10/12/2008, at 1:31 AM, Sherry Tirko wrote:

Hi All,

I'm wondering if anyone knows if there is a pdf generator out there for WO sites or even a converter for WO Components. I'd like to take a form and make a pdf version for printing.


Another option may be "The Flying Saucer Project" - An XML/XHTML/CSS 2.1 Renderer, 100% Java, open-source (LGPL).

This seems a little less known but I've had good success with it (no affiliation). Converts any XHTML + CSS 2.1 compliant input to other formats, usually PDF but apparently can do Swing no less. Passes ACID 2 and has some CSS 3 support. It uses iText internally for PDF output.

I'm using the latest pre-release without issue (R8pre2 as of Jan 08). Make sure the input validates as XHTML (for the most part, it's not as strict as http://validator.w3.org/).

WebStart demo app:

It needs to be told about custom fonts (ie. those not available in the JRE).

Example usage (with fonts):
As a starting point a small example project in plain Java is attached (see readme).


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