Hi Henrique,

On Sep 22, 2009, at 3:46 PM, Henrique Prange wrote:

Hi Chuck,

Chuck Hill wrote:
The easiest, and perhaps best, way to do this is to have different instances for each tenant. The configuration (in JavaMonitor or elsewhere) can then specify the database.

That is our current way to deploy the application.

Well, then you already know the pros and cons of that scenario!  :-)

- easy

Not so easy when you have more than 20 different instances (and counting) running on JavaMonitor. :p

20 does not seem like that many to manage.

- problems / load on one tenant do not impact others
- guaranteed that one tenant will not accidently see information from another

This last one is exactly the reason why we can't have a shared database at all.

- more instances to administer

That is our main concern. Today we have 20 instances, but this number is likely to increase considerably in near future.

If it grows to 40, are you planning on having each instance host all 40? I'd look into EOF stack size if you are thinking of having 40 in one JVM and there is a significant amount of data per tenant. That might work out to a lot of RAM per instance and so few instances per machine. It is just something to keep in mind.

- some increase in RAM usage due to duplicated loading of code and JVM If you don't want to do that and are committed to doing this in one instance, the next best way is to tag the root object with the tenant. But you said "separate databases", so that is ruled out.

You mean data categorized by tenant?


The application already supports this kind of architecture. We deploy one application with more than one tenant using a shared database in very exceptional cases. But that is not the rule. In most cases we can't take the risk of providing wrong information for a customer.

Writing a bug free multi-tenant application with shared data is time consuming and expensive. In the case of this specific application is also too risky. Also, a shared database make the backup/restore process very difficult. You can backup everything easily, but how to revert the data for a single tenant?

The backup / restore is a good point. Managing many EOF stacks and ensuring that one tenant does not see another tenants information might be just as complex in either scenario.

The only way that I can think of to accomplish what you want is to create an EOModelGroup for each tenant. A separate copy of each model will need to be loaded into each group and the database connection information set for that tenant. Each EOModelGroup will serve as the basis for a new EOF stack (rooted at EOObjectStoreCoordinator).

Miguel gave me this same idea off-list. So, I think that is the way to go. :)

Sorry for the stupid question, but would be enough to get the defaultModelGroup, clone it and change the URL for database connection on each cloned model? Or is it a better/safe idea to create one by one and load models as if it were the first time?

I have no idea how / if EOModelGroup implements cloning. You would have to test it. I'd probably choose to do it manually so that I had control if I ever needed to make any other changes.

When a session is created, you will need to ensure that all editing contexts created for that session use the correct EOObjectStoreCoordinator. You will also want to ensure that you don't use default<Anything> in your code (defaultEditingContext(), defaultModelGroup() etc.) as these are unlikey to return objects from the correct EOF stack. Caveat: this is theoretical, I don't have any experience doing this. I don't think that many people have done this, so you run the risk of finding bugs in seldom executed EOF code.

Thank you very much! We are not in a hurry to make this change in our application, but we are worried about future. I'll try to make some tests following your advices and see what happens.

Please let us know what happens.  This is seldom explored territory.


Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development

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