Excellent, thanks David.  I just couldn't remember where it was.

Another question, as there are 5 options in there for embedding frameworks, 
Project, User, Local, System and Network, which should I use?  I have for 
example one framework of my own which I have added in, then you have the WO 
frameworks like JavaEOAccess etc and then also the ER frameworks.  I'm just 
exactly sure which ones fall into which classification.  I don't particularly 
want a gigantic project file to upload once I'm finished building so I'd like 
to omit as many as are not necessary for me to embed.

What I am doing is developing on Mac OS X and deploying to CentOS5.  The WO 
frameworks are installed on the server already and I don't intend to run 
multiple WO versions concurrently.  I think what I want to do is embed such 
frameworks as the Wonder ones and my own ones.  Would Project and User be 
sufficient or can you indicate which frameworks would come under which 
classification above?

Thanks for the help,

On Apr 21, 2010, at 1:43 PM, David LeBer wrote:

On 2010-04-21, at 7:32 AM, David Griffith wrote:

> Hi all,
> I know this is a basic question but I can't remember how to do it.  If I want 
> to embed the Wonder frameworks rather than just linking to them, how do  I do 
> it?  I'm using Eclipse on Mac OS X.

Ctrl click on project in WO Explorer -> Properties -> Wolips Deployment -> 
Embed frameworks.


David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
site:   http://codeferous.com
blog:   http://davidleber.net
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