Le 2011-01-28 à 19:15, Chuck Hill a écrit :

> Hi Kevin,
> On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:54 PM, Kevin Hinkson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm hoping someone can help me with this problem.
>> Let's say I have a Person object. How would I go about handling a GET 
>> request (with query strings) to delete a Person, save the changes to the 
>> database, and then redirect to a URL (not a WOComponent). Oh, and I need to 
>> have a Session available as well.
>> Initially I thought about doing this as a WOComponent and calling one of 
>> it's methods from the constructor, but then there is no clean way
>> to redirect the response. The alternative seemed to be to use DirectActions.
> That would work.
>> But using this method seems to mean I will have to write a direct action for 
>> each
>> "action" (like delete/add/edit) that I would want to perform on a particular 
>> EO. It gets even hairier if I would like to re-use these actions in an API. 
>> This seems a bit kludgy and very not the webobjects way so I think I'm 
>> missing something.
>> Can anyone offer any suggestions?
> That sounds a lot like a REST interface.  Have you looked at ERRest in 
> Project Wonder?
>> NB: My Session on awake, looks for certain cookie values, verifies hashes 
>> and loads a user account EO as a means of implementing Sign In "Remember 
>> Me", then cookies are updated and added to the response in the Session sleep 
>> method. It's a lazy man's Serialized Session Store. Does this sound like an 
>> appropriate use of awake and sleep? I also mention it in case it will mess 
>> with any response changes suggested for the redirect action. Thanks.
> I would not call it a Serialized Session Store, but I am not sure how it will 
> play with ERRest.

+1 for ERRest!

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