Hi Ramsey and Ted,

It seems like that is the issue.




Thanks guys.

On Mar 27, 2011, at 12:42 PM, Ramsey Gurley wrote:

Hi Ted,

I've closed one like that already as it belongs on WOProject JIRA.  Don't be 
offended if I close 517 for the same reasons...


The problem appears to be in the migration generation template.  It should be 
filed on JIRA for WOLips instead.  I see


which looks related. Maybe vote on that?


I was not aware that the double migration itself did not work for Postgresql.  
File a jira for that issue on Wonder and I will take a look once I figure out 
git (^_^)  I suspect all you need to do is add Type.FLOAT and Type.DOUBLE into 
that tremendous 'if' statement in PostgresqlSQLHelper.externalTypeForJDBCType().


On Mar 27, 2011, at 7:59 AM, Theodore Petrosky wrote:

I opened a Jira in April 2010 on this issue (Jira #517). Maybe adding a vote to 
it would help move it along.


Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2011 14:50:54 -0700
From: Michael Gargano <mgarg...@escholar.com>
Subject: PostgreSQL float8
To: "webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com
List List"
Message-ID: <37f75e6d-d849-4a90-bb9c-3bc16541a...@escholar.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hi all,

   I'm using an attribute in my model with
a prototype of doubleNumber, this is set to use a DB type of
float8.  When I generate the migration it uses
.newDoubleColumn with broken precision and scale numbers
(since the prototype doesn't have these fields).
Trying to use newDoubleColumn or even newColumn with
Types.DOUBLE or Types.FLOAT does not seem to work.  A
column gets created, but when my update script runs and
tries to insert data into that table it complains about the
numerical values I'm trying to insert claiming the field
type is 'money'.  I saw an earlier e-mail to the list
about this, but no resolution, but someone must be using
doubles and postgres somewhere.


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