On Mar 28, 2011, at 1:18 PM, Mai Nguyen wrote:

> Hi Chuck,
>> Are you binding it to something that is unique for every row?
> The binding "expanded" is tied to a global boolean variable like the 
> ToggleDetails example.
> I have not found a good way to set it per row though, so this may be the 
> issue since this boolean is used for all rows.

You have to be careful of the id too in repetitions, each one needs to be 
unique.  That is probably one of the problems.  One way is to bind the index of 
the repetition to something and then use OGNL in the binding (assuming you are 
using WOOGNL in your project):

MyExpansion: AjaxExpansion {
        id = ~"MyExpansion_" + theIndex;

> I am only updating the contents of a table cell, not adding or removing table 
> cells.
> The expanded state shows more information vs. the closed state.

I _think_ that should be OK.

> On Mar 28, 2011, at 12:54 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:
>> Hi Mai,
>> On Mar 28, 2011, at 12:45 PM, Mai Nguyen wrote:
>>> Hi List,
>>> I am new to the Wonder Ajax frameworks, and have some trouble using 
>>> AjaxExpansion inside a WO Repetition.
>>> The "Expanded" state is global and not specific to a row in a repetition.
>>> If I use the example ToggleDetails in AjaxExample2, it works for one single 
>>> AjaxExpansion area (one row only).
>>> However, if I use a WO Repetition of AjaxExpansion areas, the "Expanded" 
>>> state is not behaving properly. Only the first cell is expanded, even when 
>>> I click on the other cells. It seems like the "expanded" flag is behaving 
>>> globally for the first table cell only.
>> Are you binding it to something that is unique for every row?
>>> Is it correct to use AjaxExpansion in a WORepetition to update a row table 
>>> cell, or should I something else? (an example would be appreciated)
>>> Thanks for any hints,
>> Are you just updating the contents of one cell?  Adding or removing 
>> rows/cells in tables with Ajax does not work well.  
>> Chuck
>> -- 
>> Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development
>> Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall 
>> knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.    
>> http://www.global-village.net/products/practical_webobjects
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