This is an odd one. Has anyone seen something like this.

We have two different Oracle database, one for production and one for testing. 
They both run on Linux, though the dev version is Ubuntu and the production 
version is on RedHat.

The dev version gives:   SQL*Plus: Release

and the production version gives:   SQL*Plus: Release

Otherwise, these are as alike as we can make them. We have columns in tables 
that are BLOBs. This is for strange reasons not worth going into, but they are 
actually supposed to be of a fixed length. And indeed, I can check a column 
length in both databases and I get the same answer:

        select max(length(blobColumn), min(length(blobColumn) from theTable;

The response says the minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 1. And, for 
this column, we expect the length to be 1.

So why does this happen? On the development server:

        (new String(((NSData)obj.valueForKey("blobAttribute")).bytes(), 

         -> 1

and on the production server:
        (new String(((NSData)obj.valueForKey("blobAttribute")).bytes(), 

         -> 86

The WO app is the same app. We are using embedded frameworks, so they are the 
same version of WO, which is 5.4.3. The JDBC driver is the exact same file. The 
important difference is that we set up the development system and the 
production system was set up by a third party in Ankara, Turkey. I can look at 
the configuration differences, but Oracle has only 500,000 different switches 
one can set, so I have no idea what is important and what is not and I have no 
idea what to look at.

We can work around this, but I would really like to know _why_ it is happening 
and not just beat the problem into submission with a sledgehammer.

Any ideas?

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