Yeah, this sounds very nice! Thank you for this, Ramsey. I will try it later today and post my success ;)

Am 26.07.2011 um 16:16 schrieb Ramsey Gurley:

On Jul 26, 2011, at 6:53 AM, Paul Dunkler wrote:

Hi List,

got a little question. I´m currently developing on an internal administration application. There we have a lot of statistical data which is picked with timestamps.
The fact is, that our company got customers all around the world. And i want to give the users of the administration application to choose a "system-wide" timeZone setting in which the dates in the application will be presented.

Dou you know any good procedure for achieving this? Or do i really have to wrap all the WOString´s which prints out the Dates in my Components with a function which transforms the date into another TimeZone?

It would be really nice if somebody out there got a nice solution for this. May there is something in Wonder and i don´t know ;)

Kind Regards,
Paul Dunkler _______________________________________________
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Paul Dunkler

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