long shot, does emptying the contents of /Library/WebObjects/Extensions make 
any difference? I empty that dir without a second thought any time I install 

On Sep 30, 2011, at 8:01 AM, Pascal Robert wrote:

> Ok, so I'm still trying to debug my problem with the exception David Holt and 
> I are getting when the WOLips framework is part of the build part and WOLips 
> is set to "bundle-less" mode (see https://github.com/wolips/wolips/issues/5 
> for a summary of the problem). For the fun of it, I installed Eclipse, WOLips 
> and WO on my Mac Mini, who didn't have any traces of development tools on it, 
> and I don't get any issues. So I also tried with another user on my MBP, and 
> again no issues. So it look my problem is only for my user on my MBP.
> I looked at the app launch output, and I saw something. When WOLips is added 
> to the build path and I'm "bundle-less", the first lines are like this:
> [2011-9-30 7:43:33 EDT] <main> Initialized : er.extensions.ERXExtensions
> [2011-9-30 7:43:33 EDT] <main> Couldn't load properties file: 
> /Users/probert/WebObjects.properties at path: /Users/probert
> [2011-9-30 7:43:33 EDT] <main> Couldn't load properties file: 
> /Users/probert/WebObjects.properties at path: /Users/probert
> [2011-9-30 7:43:33 EDT] <main> Initialized : er.prototypes.ERPrototypes
> But if I remove WOLips from the build path and use bundle-less, or if I 
> switch back to bundles, I get:
> [2011-9-30 7:41:7 EDT] <main> Initialized : er.extensions.ERXExtensions
> [2011-9-30 7:41:7 EDT] <main> Couldn't load properties file: 
> /Users/probert/WebObjects.properties at path: /Users/probert
> sept. 30 07:41:07 N/A[N/A] INFO  org.apache.log4j.Logger  - Updated the 
> logging configuration with the current system properties.
> sept. 30 07:41:07 N/A[N/A] INFO  org.apache.log4j.Logger  - Updated the 
> logging configuration with the current system properties.
> sept. 30 07:41:07 N/A[N/A] WARN  NSLog  - Couldn't load properties file: 
> /Users/probert/WebObjects.properties at path: /Users/probert
> sept. 30 07:41:07 N/A[N/A] DEBUG NSLog  - Initialized : 
> er.prototypes.ERPrototypes
> So it look like log4j is not initialized when I'm in bundle-less mode and 
> WOLips is in the build path. I have no idea what could create that problem. 
> In /Library/Java/Extensions, I only have JDBC drivers. Nothing in 
> ~/Library/Frameworks. I'm really lost on this issue, I have no idea where to 
> look. _______________________________________________
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