And I confirm that the project is not the culprit, it works fine on my laptop. 
Really weird problem :-/
> On Nov 16, 2011, at 2:30 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:
>> Eclipse should just pick up anything you have added.
> The bizarre thing (to me) is that the eo folder is just invisible to Eclipse. 
> Even in Navigator view, the components folder is visible, but the eo folder, 
> which is in the same folder as components, is not visible. Eo is in Finder, 
> and i can go into it and open the java files but eclipse just doesn't see it. 
> Not in Navigator:
> <Navigator jobmgr.tiff>
> Not in WO Explorer: 
> <WO Explorer jobmgr.tiff>
> But it is in the folder in Finder:
> <Finder jobmgr.tiff>
>> On 2011-11-16, at 2:23 PM, Paul Yu wrote:
>>> You have to create packages in your project? and then set that path in the 
>>> eogenerator.  Initially it will be empty and may not show up, but once 
>>> eogenerator runs, then the package will display?
> I thought I did all that.  File > New > Wonder Application > base package: 
> com.wowodc.east.jobmanager     components: 
> com.wowodc.east.jobmanager.components. 
> EOGenerator set the destination paths: 
> /Users/spake/Documents/Eclipse/Workspace/WOWODCEast/jobManager/Sources    Per 
> Chuck Hill's suggestion, I tried setting the destination paths to "Sources" 
> but Eclipse reset them to the former value. 
>>> Paul
>>> On Nov 16, 2011, at 5:05 PM, Kevin Spake wrote:
>>>> Great question!   Thanks!   I never thought to go into that directory and 
>>>> look.  Seems painfully obvious now that I should have (slaps forehead), 
>>>> but yes, the files are in  ... 
>>>> /Workspace/WOWODCEast/JobManager/Sources/com/wowodc/east/jobmanager/eo
>>>> Looking in ...Sources/com/wowodc/east/jobmanager/  folder:  the components 
>>>> folder,,, show up in the 
>>>> WO Explorer Sources folder as well, but the eo folder and its contents are 
>>>> in the physical directory but do not appear in the Sources folder in WO 
>>>> Explorer.  I hope that makes sense. 
>>>> Any ideas of why the eo folder would not show up?  It seems like it could 
>>>> be a filter issue, but _EOGenerator files is NOT checked in the filter 
>>>> screen. Even then, I would expect the eo folder to appear as well as the 
>>>> non _ files.  
>>>> On Nov 16, 2011, at 1:04 PM, Paul Yu wrote:
>>>>> Kevin
>>>>> Could you do a search on the file system for your class file name(s)???
>>>>> I've had the situation where it actually generated the files but in 
>>>>> folders that I did not expect until I set them correctly.
>>>>> Paul
>>>>> On Nov 16, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Kevin Spake wrote:
>>>>>> I tried it, still no new files in Sources
>>>>>> Thanks,
>> -- 
>> Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development
>> Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall 
>> knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.    
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