Thanks Markus...

I thought that but was not sure... It also might have been (I don't recall where I read this) that those variables were overides from the parent class... Anyone verify that?

On 19 Dec 2011, at 11:07, Markus Ruggiero wrote:

On 19.12.2011, at 11:51, Gino Pacitti wrote:

In the Wonder examples there are variables with underscore...

        public NSData _data;
        public AjaxUploadProgress _uploadProgress;
        public AjaxProgress _progress;

Any significance???

Hi Gino,

as far as I know from the old days of WebObjects/Objective-C variables with _ were meant to be private vars (there was no public/ private then). Many folks coming from those days still use this naming convention. It is a visual clue to the human developer and has no technical significance. I haven't looked at those examples but I guess that is it. Weird anyway that the vars are public and visually marked private.


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