¡Hola Hugo!

On 2012-07-12, at 11:46 AM, Hugo Cambero wrote:

> Hi Everybody
> My name is Hugo, I'm from Mexico. I have been developing using WebObjects and 
> Wonder Frameworks, I'm newbie in this topic.


> Well, I have a problem, I hope you can help me. I'm developing a test 
> application, I want to learn about EOF.
> I have 2 entities, that I created using EOModel. The first entity is: User, 
> the second is Role. The relationship between the entities is: One user
> can have many Roles.
> Well, I tried to insert a row using the next code:
>                     EOEditingContext ec = ERXEC.newEditingContext();
>                     Role userRole = Role.fetchRole( ec, Role.NAME.eq("user") 
> ); //Get the correct Role to the new user
>                     User newUser = new User();                    

It is very, very important to immediately do this after creating an EO:
>                     ec.insertObject( newUser );                    //Insert 
> object to the EOEditingContext

Fix that, and your code will work.

You can find some more information here:


>                     newUser.setName( name.toLowerCase() );
>                     newUser.setPaternalName( paternalName.toLowerCase()  );
>                     newUser.setMaternalName( maternalName.toLowerCase() );
>                     newUser.setBirthday( new NSTimestamp() );
>                     newUser.setUsername( username );
>                     newUser.setPassword( password );
>                     newUser.setRole( userRole );                   //Set the 
> role to the user 
>                     ec.saveChanges();                                //Commit 
> to the DataBase
> But, the server has the next error:     
> java.lang.RuntimeException: You crossed editing context boundaries attempting 
> to set the 'role' relationship of <your.app.model.User pk:"null"> (which is 
> not in an editing context) to <your.app.model.Role pk:"2"> (in EC 
> er.extensions.eof.ERXEC@762a5241).
> I understand that the primary key of the user is null, because it's a new 
> user and I want to insert it to the data base.
> What is the correct way to insert row, when it have a relationship between 
> the entities?
> Thanks for you time
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Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development

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