Occasionally I write something useful, for someone  - herding sheep on the grassy, rolling hills of the island. :-) 
For the archives:

The way instances roll-over is when 
- the wotaskd daemon tells the instance to stop accepting connections/sessions, based on a schedule
- the app instance is to quit when it reaches 0 sessions (this is a configuration, you call tell it to terminate at x number of sessions)
- the auto-recover flag tells wotaskd to start the instance again

Doing this gracefully allows sessions to be finished by the end users. There is an option to do this not gracefully, in which case the instances is unceremoniously terminated.

Sometimes instances don’t quit on their own. This looks like the image below. 'Refuse New Sessions' is on, and ‘Auto-Recover' is on, and the instance is still running.  Something is hung - ether a thread or a sessions refuses to time-out. This is a bug in the app's code. The instance can’t quit on its own.

The indicators/buttons are yellow because these flags are assumed and disabled when scheduling is enabled.

There will be a ‘No Instances Available’ error page if there are no other instances accepting connections.


"The trouble with normal is it always gets worse."
Bruce Cockburn

Klaus Berkling
Web Application Dev. & Systems Analyst
DynEd International, Inc.

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