Ok, like we said here: Ça va faire le niaisage!

So we need people who can:

- Make something like Golipse that will install not only Eclipse (current 
stable version, so 3.7 or 3.8 for now), but also WOLips, Rule Modeler, useful 
plugins, Workspace Mechanics, the core WO frameworks (remember: we can't 
distribute the frameworks directly, we have to use a hack like WOInstaller.jar) 
and any current stable Wonder frameworks (fetched from 
jenkins.wocommunity.org). It HAVE to be in a "bundle type" folder, where a 
"WODev" folder would include everything, including the core WO frameworks. That 
means wolips.properties have to have references to the WODev folder or a 
sub-folder of it.

So for example a WODev folder would have a structure like this:

    Frameworks (will include both Wonder and WO)
    Rule Modeler

Bonus points if you can make it work on OS X, Windows and Linux (yes, I know, 
Rule Modeler can't run on Linux and Windows). Another bonus if it can detect 
that Java is not installed on OS X and ask to install it like other Java apps 

I'm willing to give $75 from my own pockets to get that. We can also decide to 
pull money from WOCommunity too...

- Have a WOLips startup page with links to community resources. Many Eclipse 
plugins will show a "welcome" page after installation, with links to help, 
JavaDoc, etc.

I'm willing to give $50 from my own pockets.

- Find a way to bundle examples inside WOLips. Would be great to not only 
install the tools and frameworks but also examples that can be easily added 
into Eclipse. I saw such a thing from a Eclipse book so I know it's possible to 
do it.

I'm willing to give $50 from my own pockets.

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