there is something weird, I tried yesterday a very similar stuff and no issues

<div id="cartView">
        <wo:AjaxPing targetContainerID="totalUpdateContainer" 
cacheKey="$cacheKey" frequency=1000 stop="false" />
        <h1>Your cart</h1>
        <div id = "cart">
                <wo:form action = "$updateCart" multipleSubmit = "true">
                        <table class="list">
                                        <th class="image">Image</th>
                                        <th class="title">Title</th>
                                        <th class="quantity">Quantity</th>
                                        <th class="price">Price</th>
                                        <th class="total">Total</th>
                                        <th class="remove">Remove</th>
list="$cartDisplayGroup.displayedObjects" item = "$aCartItem" index = 
                                <tr> // AjaxUpdateContainer could be here but 
cause obviously flickering on update
                                        <td class="image"><wo:image 
src="$aCartItem.product.image.thumbnail.fileUrl" /></td>
                                        <td class="title"><wo:string value = 
"$aCartItem.product.title" /></td>
                                        <td class="quantity">
updateContainerID = "$rowID" observeFieldFrequency = "1" fullSubmit = "true" >
class="quantity" value = "$aCartItem.quantity" />
                                        <td class="price">€ <wo:string value = 
"$aCartItem.frozenPrice" numberformat = "#0.00" /></td>
                                        <td class="total">
elementName = "span" id="$rowID">€ <wo:string value = 
"$aCartItem.totalDacPrice" numberformat = "#0.00" /></wo:AjaxUpdateContainer>
                                        <td class="remove"><wo:link 
                        <wo:AjaxUpdateContainer id = "totalUpdateContainer" 
                        <table class="list">
                                        <td class="grandTotalText">TOTAL</td>
                                        <td class="grandTotal">€ <wo:string 
value = "$session.getAuthenticatedReseller.workingCart.totalPrice" numberformat 
= "#0.00" /></td>
                                        <td class="grandTotalText">TAXES</td>
                                        <td class="grandTotal">€ <wo:string 
value = "$session.getAuthenticatedReseller.workingCart.taxes" numberformat = 
"#0.00" /></td>
                                        <td class="grandTotalText">GRAND 
                                        <td class="grandTotal">€ <wo:string 
value = "$session.getAuthenticatedReseller.workingCart.totalPriceWithTaxes" 
numberformat = "#0.00" /></td>
                        <div id="buttons">
                                <p><wo:submit class="update" action = 
"$updateCart" value = "Update quantities" /></p>
                                <p><wo:submit class="checkout" action = 
"$submitOrder" value = "CheckOut" /></p>
</div><!-- /cartView -->

On 20/set/2012, at 13:10, Pascal Robert <> wrote:

> I moved to stateless for the sub-component (by extending from 
> ERXStatelessComponent) and it still calls the sub-component for all rows 
> instead of the table row I'm updating. And the table is now all divs.
>> Possible cause would be binding synchronisation.
>> Try to disable automatic sync binding on TestsPascal, or trace and debug 
>> those sync calls to see if they are causing this.
>> --
>> jfv
>> Le 2012-09-18 à 14:27, Pascal Robert a écrit :
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I have a table with a chunk of AjaxUpdateContainer and AjaxObserveField in 
>>> it.  Each row have its own AjaxUpdateContainer, so when a observe field 
>>> action is triggered, I'm calling a sub-component to fill one of the 
>>> columns. 
>>> Problem is: if the table have 10 rows, the sub-component is called 10 times 
>>> instead of updating just the row where I put some text in the field that is 
>>> observed. But the weird thing is that if instead of calling my 
>>> sub-component and I call a 
>>> The problem:
>>> <wo:form>
>>> <wo:AjaxUpdateContainer id="main_table">
>>> <table style="width: 100%;">
>>> <wo:loop list="$childsSpec" item="$childSpec">
>>>  <wo:AjaxUpdateContainer class="row" elementName="tr" 
>>> id="$childSpec.spec.ID">
>>>    <td class="full-height">
>>>        <table width="100%">
>>>            <td class="parts_column">
>>>              <ul>
>>>                <wo:loop list="$~availablesPartsForSpec(childSpec.spec)" 
>>> item="$partItem">
>>>                      <li>
>>>                        <wo:AjaxObserveField 
>>> updateContainerID="$childSpec.spec.ID" 
>>> action="$~addPartsFromLot(partItem)"> 
>>>                             <wo:textfield value="$quantityToAdd" size="4" 
>>> numberformat="#" style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px;" /> 
>>>                       </wo:AjaxObserveField>
>>>                      </li>
>>>                </wo:loop>
>>>              </ul>
>>>            </td>
>>>            <td class="manifest_column"> <wo:TestsPascal texte="allo" /> 
>>> </td>
>>>          </tr>
>>>        </table>
>>>    </td>
>>>  </wo:AjaxUpdateContainer>
>>> </wo:loop>
>>> </table>
>>> </wo:AjaxUpdateContainer>
>>> </wo:form>
>>> If I change this:
>>> <wo:TestsPascal texte="allo" />
>>> to this:
>>> <wo:str value="$~someMethodThatReturnAString" />
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