On 22/09/2012, at 6:26 AM, Tim Worman <li...@thetimmy.com> wrote:

> All:
> My app is attempting to attach a PDF to an email and I'm getting a failure. 
> The only response is:
> "Your request produced an error."
> The code below works fine in development but fails in deployment. I'm using 
> ERJavaMail for sending.
> There is no stack trace, etc. My attempt to produce my PDF seems to stop at 
> the constructor for FlyingSaucerImpl since no console messages I've placed in 
> the code are seen after that.
>     public void sendEmail() {
>       GSEISPersonAccountInfoComponent acctPdf = 
> (GSEISPersonAccountInfoComponent)pageWithName(GSEISPersonAccountInfoComponent.class.getName());
>       acctPdf.setAPerson(aPerson()); //create PDFWrapper component
>       NSLog.out.appendln("making pdf");
>       NSData pdf = acctPdf.generateResponse().content(); //get the PDF data
>       ERMailDeliveryHTML mail = new ERMailDeliveryHTML();


Does it get this far?

If not, try wrapping it in a try { .. } catch (Throwable e) { log.error(e); 
throw e; } block and log out the error. You may be swallowing the exception 
somewhere higher up the stack, or it's logging out to somewhere you aren't 
seeing in deployment.

>       try {
>         mail.newMail();
>         mail.setFromAddress("nore...@gseis.ucla.edu");
>         mail.setReplyToAddress("nore...@gseis.ucla.edu");
>         mail.setSubject("GSE&IS Account Info");
>         mail.setComponent(this);  //send this component as a new component 
> based email
>         mail.setToAddresses(new NSArray (aPerson().emailAddress()));
>         //attach PDF to email
>         NSLog.out.appendln("this is where I want to attach pdf"); //never get 
> here
>         mail.addAttachment(new 
> ERMailDataAttachment(acctPdf.pdfFilename(),null,pdf));
>         mail.sendMail();
>       } catch (Exception e) {
>         e.printStackTrace();
>       }
>     }
> This code is in my "emailed" component so it sets itself as the body of a new 
> email - then tries to attach a PDF generated with ERPDFWrapper. This is 
> called from a DirectAction. I'm not returning either the PDF or the email 
> component to the browser. Am I violating best practices by trying to use the 
> PDF wrapper without returning it?
> Tim
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