
I currently try to use the wonder framework ERJasperReports, everything was ok until i try to create a sub report that uses a new datasource…

Here is what I do:

ERJRFoundationDataSource livclisDataSource = new ERJRFoundationDataSource(fSession.fMenuClients.fEditedFactureCli.livclisSortedByDateLiv());

parameters.put("livclis", livclisDataSource);

In iReport, I created a parameter (type Object) in my master report and I set it as the datasource for the sub report… The problem is that my report is no more generated since then… Safari keeps loading for hours... 

Is there a log ? 
What can be wrong ?

Best Regards,

Bruno WIESEN                   bruno.wie...@pyramide-ingenierie.be
Mac OS Software Developer

Pyramide Ingenierie sprl       Tel:  +32 87 292130
188 rue de Liege               Fax:  +32 87 292139
B-4800 Verviers                Mail: i...@pyramide-ingenierie.be

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