
I subclass OracleExpression like this :

public class IVOracleExpression extends OracleExpression {

    public IVOracleExpression(EOEntity in_entity) {
    public String sqlStringForCaseInsensitiveLike(String in_s, String in_s1) {
        String l_str = _NSStringUtilities.concat("CONVERT(upper(", in_s1, "), 
'US7ASCII') LIKE CONVERT(upper(", in_s, "), 'US7ASCII')");
        return l_str;

Le 14 déc. 2012 à 11:20, Raymond NANEON <rnan...@me.com> a écrit :

> Hi List,
> I have a little data fetching problem. In our data base we have names with 
> accent and other do not. So when we do a SQL request in our WHERE CLAUSE we 
> surround the instruction with the function func_enleve_accent which removes 
> accents.
> i.e 
> SELECT nom, prenom WHERE upper(fonc_enleve_accents(i.prenom)) like 
> upper(fonc_enleve_accents('severine')) )
> With this request we have all names with accents or not (sévérine or severine)
> In WO I try to reproduce the same thing but it does not work properly. When I 
> have a name with accent like 'séverine' it works (we all names) but with 
> 'severine' we have only name without accent.
> Here my qualifier
>     private static EOQualifier qualForPrenomLike(String prenom) {
>         String prenom_a = StringCtrl.chaineSansAccents(prenom, "?");
>         return PRENOM.like(prenom).or(PRENOM.like(prenom_a));
>     }
> How can I modify my qualifier to have the same result like SQL request?
> Thanks for you help
> Envoyé depuis iCloud
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