
I'm trying to figure out something and I'm lost again.  And I figure there is 
an easy answer so here goes:

I'm using embedded components and I have a "master list" style page.  On my 
inspect component I have an ERDActionBar that lets the user go between 
different screens such as inspect page, an edit page and different pages for 
special attribute handling and relationships.

So here is my question: if I'm showing a list of objects from a to many 
relationship - how do I open a new page to edit one of the objects in the 
relationship without changing what the current object is and without using a 
modal window?

Thanks in advance,

Mr. Johnny Miller
Web Development Manager
Kahalawai Media Company
Lahaina, HI 96761
tel: (808) 661-7962 | mobile: (808) 283-0791
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