Uh, I should have made the implementation more different in the two. In 
general, the enums I have are more lengthy, and they do all sorts of different 
stuff to compute something in their methods. They can't share a common 
implementation, or at least there could be a common one, but the point would be 
that a few enum instances would need to override the implementation, not just 
differ in fixed values.

Am 07.06.2013 um 12:45 schrieb D Tim Cummings <t...@triptera.com.au>:

> public enum Status {
>   one (1),
>   two (2);
>   private final int days;
>   Status(int days) {
>     this.days = days;
>   }
>   public DateTime computeValue() {
>     return new DateTime().plusDays(days);
>   }
> }
> On 07/06/2013, at 8:34 PM, Musall Maik wrote:
>> Got that already by private mail. All right, let's modify the example. 
>> Returning a fixed string was oversimplifying.
>>     public enum Status {
>>         one { @Override public DateTime computeValue() { new 
>> DateTime().plusDays( 1 ); },
>>         two { @Override public DateTime computeValue() { new 
>> DateTime().plusDays( 2 ); };
>>         public abstract DateTime computeValue();
>>     }
>> Maik
>> Am 07.06.2013 um 12:27 schrieb D Tim Cummings <t...@triptera.com.au>:
>>> Another workaround which is less ugly.
>>> public enum Status {
>>>   one ("eins"),
>>>   two ("zwei");
>>>   private final String description;
>>>   Status(String description) {
>>>     this.description = description;
>>>   }
>>>   public String description() {
>>>     return description;
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> Tim
>>> On 07/06/2013, at 5:58 PM, Musall Maik wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> some time ago, I discovered the following problem with Enums and WO 
>>>> bindings (broken down to a simple example):
>>>>    package com.foo.bar;
>>>>    public class MyClass {
>>>>        public static enum Status {
>>>>            one    { @Override public String description() { return "eins"; 
>>>> } },
>>>>            two    { @Override public String description() { return "zwei"; 
>>>> } };
>>>>            public abstract String description();
>>>>        }
>>>>    }
>>>> While this works nicely in all Java code, WO bindings will not see the 
>>>> overridden description() implementations. At least not when using Java 
>>>> packages (it seems to work if everything is in the default package, but 
>>>> that doesn't help me). You get an error like:
>>>>    java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class 
>>>> com.webobjects.foundation.NSKeyValueCoding$ValueAccessor$1 can not access
>>>>    a member of class com.foo.bar.MyClass$Status$1 with modifiers "public"
>>>> or, if using JRebel, you get
>>>>    java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class<?> 
>>>> com.webobjects.foundation.NSKeyValueCoding$ValueAccessor$1 can not access
>>>>    com.foo.bar.MyClass$Status$1!
>>>> My current workaround:
>>>>    package com.foo.bar;
>>>>    public class MyClass {
>>>>        public static enum Status {
>>>>            one    { @Override String descriptionImpl() { return "eins"; } 
>>>> },
>>>>            two    { @Override String descriptionImpl() { return "zwei"; } 
>>>> };
>>>>            abstract String descriptionImpl();
>>>>            public String description() { return descriptionImpl(); }
>>>>        }
>>>>    }
>>>> which works but is ugly. Now I'm about to implement another Enum with a 
>>>> lot of methods and it bothers me. Anyone an idea how to improve the 
>>>> situation?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Maik
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