Hi WOrriors,

A little late to the party but wanted to pass along that if you go to the 
“entity” you can create an “identity qualifier” that works everywhere including 
when you have a compound primary key.

For giggles, it would look something like so:

EOEntity entity = EOUtilities.entityForObject(eo.editingContext(), eo);
EOKeyGlobalID globalID = (EOKeyGlobalID) 
NSDictionary primaryKey = entity.primaryKeyForGlobalID(globalID);
EOQualifier identityQualifier = entity.qualifierForPrimaryKey(primaryKey);

e:  aa...@chatnbike.com  t:  (301) 956-2319             

On Dec 17, 2013, at 9:22 AM, Ken Anderson <kenli...@anderhome.com> wrote:

> Samuel,
> Thanks - this is the most elegant approach I’ve found!
> Ken
> On Dec 10, 2013, at 12:49 PM, Samuel Pelletier <sam...@samkar.com> wrote:
>> OK, next try…
>> If you qualify in memory, you may use the key "self" with an equals operator.
>> ERXQ.notEquals("self", studentToRemove);
>> If you qualify in database, I found a working solution. Add a method to your 
>> entity class that return a qualifier like this:
>> public ERXKeyValueQualifier notMeQualifier() {
>>      return ERXQ.notEquals("id", 
>> ERXEOControlUtilities.primaryKeyObjectForObject(this));
>> }
>> "id" need to be replaced by your primary key attribute name, this attribute 
>> does not need to be visible (class attribute) and this will only work for 
>> single column primary key.
>> Samuel
>> Le 2013-12-10 à 09:34, Ken Anderson <kenli...@anderhome.com> a écrit :
>>> Samuel,
>>> Yes, of course…  but the qualifier is passed through many levels of API - 
>>> so not so easy.  Thanks for chiming in.
>>> Ken
>>> On Dec 10, 2013, at 8:23 AM, Samuel Pelletier <sam...@samkar.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> A simple solution is to add a line to your fetch method.
>>>> students = fetch Students where grade > 80 ;
>>>> students = ERXArrayUtilities.arrayMinusObject(students, studentToRemove);  
>>>> <<— Line to add
>>>> return students;
>>>> Samuel
>>>> Le 2013-12-08 à 12:44, Ken Anderson <kenli...@anderhome.com> a écrit :
>>>>> No, I already have an EO I want to exclude...  Not an attribute of an EO.
>>>>>> On Dec 8, 2013, at 12:39 PM, Theodore Petrosky <tedp...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Student.STUDENT_LAST_NAME.notIn("Smith")
>>>>>> from what I see there is:    "in", "notIn", "inObjects", "noInObjects"
>>>>>> is this what you are looking for?
>>>>>>> On Dec 7, 2013, at 11:01 PM, Ken Anderson <kenli...@anderhome.com> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> All,
>>>>>>> I know I’ve done this before, but I do it seldom enough that I can’t 
>>>>>>> remember.  I want to create a qualifier to select a bunch of objects 
>>>>>>> but to exclude one of the objects that might match the qualifier:
>>>>>>> Give me all the Students where grade > 80 and Student is not “Joe Smith”
>>>>>>> How do I do that again?  and is there any special whizzy wonder ERX Key 
>>>>>>> to do it?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Ken
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