On Fri, 21 Mar 2014 09:18:46 -0400
Samuel Pelletier <sam...@samkar.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a class where I added an ivar to keep a cache of some values
> extracted from toMany relationships. I want to clear this cache if
> the toMany is updated from another editingContext but I do not find a
> proper way to catch this event.
> For simple attributes, creating a "public
> void_setAtributeName(ValueClass value)" method works but this is not
> called for toMany relationships. The EOEnterpriseObject method "void
> updateFromSnapshot(NSDictionary<String,Object> snapshot)" has a
> promising name but is not called.
> Is there a way to trap this event, either with a notification or a
> method overrides? Something like "didUpdateFromSnapshot" would be
> wonderful.
> Samuel

You are only looking at the highest level of objects in EOF.
Almost everything in EOF can be done in multiple places, the EOControl
classes/delegates, the EODatabase/EODatabaseContext classes/delegates,
and the EOAdaptor/EOAdaptorContext classes/delegates. Almost everything
is reachable from all of these, though things look different at each

You are talking about snapshots, so this is probably in the
EODatabaseContext delegates. But I am not sure whether you want
databaseContextDidFetchObjects or databaseContextShouldFireArrayFault,
for example, or one of the others.

Also, in any given situation, more than one of the delegate methods will
be called, and it is not always clear in what order they are called and
where you want to do your thing.

The nice thing about delegates is that you can implement them all (so
that their actions are innocuous) and log something from each. Then run
your code and see what is actually called when. You can even have code
that implements all of these sitting around, ready to be pasted into
some random class.

If you become comfortable with using delegates instead of overriding
methods, I suggest that you will find it to be more flexible and
powerful in the long run. Just spend some time with the javadoc for
all the Delegate classes and you will see how much can be done with

cheers - ray
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