Hi Angelo,

On 14/05/2014, at 4:08 AM, Ângelo Andrade Cirino <aacir...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to model a ContactMechanism entity with three specialized 
> entities representing Phone, Email and PostalAddress. I followed the 
> ERPartial documentation and example and thought that I would be able to model 
> composition instead of inheritance using ERPartials. Since the three 
> specialized entities are very different from each other, each one has its own 
> table.

This is going to be a show-stopper.  Partial entities work with a single table.

> It seems that I didn't grasp how to use partials. Any suggestions or should I 
> rely on inheritance instead?

Personally I'm not a big fan of inheritance (in EOModels), especially across 
models, which is the use case that partial entities was originally developed to 
help with.  (The classic example, as described in the package-level Javadocs, 
being a "Person" entity in a reusable framework, and application level 
specialisations of that entity for the project at hand.)  I don't know whether 
partial entities will be a good fit for the case you describe above, but I can 
assure you that they do work.  I would suggest that firstly you go over the 
example in Examples/ERXPartials (again if you've already done so!), and 
secondly create you own toy application using partial entities to see how it 
all works.  Well worth the time investment, even if you don't end up using them.

Paul Hoadley

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