Is anyone else having issues with running this example in Wonder?

I cannot tell if it is a problem with the project or with my
configuration (Ubuntu 12.04LTS) or both.

For one thing, I had to add the ERCoolComponents and WOLips framework
jars to the path to get it to run. It seems that it would be a
show-stopper for anyone. But I still get an error after fixing that,
and that generic "Your request produced an error." message is really
obnoxious, especially when there is no console output that suggests any
error occurred.

I want to add a Modern D2W app to the Tests directory to enable
Selenium testing of these so that it will be easier to get some of
these pull-requests in. But if I cannot even setup and run a basic
Modern D2W app, I am not seeing how I can help.

If I knew that the example, as checked in to Wonder, launches without
an error for others, I would know I have to fix my system. But our
examples are not necessarily launchable, so here I am.

Any suggestions?

thanx - ray
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