I should have been using migrations for a long time, but I have not. I
have just never had the time to add another thing that might break. But
you know. But I thought I knew the theory of it.

So, the only place I am seeing basic documentation on the wocommunity
site is in the page on creating an ERRest application. Is this right?
Did I miss something? I know there have been WOWODC presentations, but
that is not completely a replacement for a simple how-to document.

But starting out, migrations seemed pretty easy to use. Ok, setting the
encoding of the tables to latin1 instead of utf-8 was not amazingly
helpful, but I can deal.

But then I tried my first table change, as opposed to a create.

    alter table foo_table null column1 column2 varchar(10);

Hm. Not helpful. I guess falling back to reasonable defaults is not
what happens here. I tried adding things to my classpath, such as the
Wonder MySQL plugin framework. No difference.

So, I now use my migration java sources as a convenient place for the
comments which give me the SQL I have to execute manually to make this
work. This is probably not the best use of this feature, though.

Any obvious things I am missing before I try to debug this and,
perhaps, put some basic documentation on the site?

thanx - ray
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