
I’m working on an app where some page-level informational messages (such as 
validation problems) are stored in ERXThreadStorage, and displayed by the page 
wrapper. This works great for full page loads.

In a few places, I’m doing some Ajax submissions with AjaxSubmitButton. In the 
usual case, nothing goes wrong and an AjaxUpdateContainer displays some new 
information. I figured that a reasonable way to display validation errors from 
these Ajax submissions would be to stash the messages in ERXThreadStorage in 
the usual way, and then use ERXRedirect and its setComponentToPage() to just 
force a full page reload. This all works except (critically) the _retrieval_ of 
the messages from ERXThreadStorage—there’s nothing there. Is this expected? Is 
the invocation of the action method by the Ajax submission on a different 

Paul Hoadley

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