
I have recently moved to using Apache 2.4 from Apache 2.2 and completed the 
build of the for this environment.  I have Apache running 
with no errors but when I try to access one of my pages I get an HTTP 403 
Forbidden error.  Does anyone have suggestions on why I might be getting this 
error and how to resolve it?

I've tried a number of different options in the configuration files.  Currently 
this is what is in the APPINCLUDE.conf file for JBoss EWS:

Include /usr/local/apache2/conf/webobjects.conf
<Location "/woapp/./">
SetHandler WebObjects
Require all granted
# Allow from all
AcceptPathInfo on
LimitRequestBody 0
SSLOptions -FakeBasicAuth -ExportCertData -StrictRequire -StdEnvVars


Terry Soles

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