Well, it seems I was able to find some decade old scripts that had a LOT of 
important things in them all working at one time.

This fails in several ways like not finding this public S3 bucket or 
dependencies and I figure other folks must rely on EC2/S3

I can make sure I script out whatever I eventually get working for it but me 
thinks other folks are using something else or maintaining their instances 
another way?


### All userdata scripts should include this section ###

### -----------8<---------- ###

yum -y install make

# Install WebObjects deployment environment
echo "Installing the WebObjects deployment environment"
wget http://webobjects.s3.amazonaws.com/wo-install.sh -O /wo-install.sh
chmod 775 /wo-install.sh

# Next we install s3 command line tools (http://timkay.com/aws/). 
# We need these to enable us to fetch stuff from private s3 buckets.
echo "s3get is not installed so installing it now"
# Fetch the aws cli tool
curl -L github.com/timkay/aws/raw/master/aws -o aws
# Install the aws cli tool
perl aws --install

# Create an .awssecret file
touch /root/.awssecret
cat >> /root/.awssecret << END

### -----------8<---------- ###

# Add a helloworld user. The default user is appserver, which might suffice for 
your needs. We
# run each cluster of servers as a specific named user as we load properties 
(using ERXProperties)
# on a per-cluster basis.
echo "Adding a helloworld user to the appserveradm group"
useradd -g appserveradm helloworld

# Change the user in the WebObjects init.d script
echo "Changing the user who runs WebObjects services to helloworld"
cd /etc/init.d/
sed --in-place=.backup 's/USER=appserver/USER=helloworld/g' webobjects

# Fix the permissions
echo "Fixing permissions"
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/webobjects

# Fix user and group
echo "Fixing users and groups"
chown -R helloworld:appserveradm /opt/WOApplications
chown -R helloworld:appserveradm /opt/WOWebServerResources
chown -R helloworld:appserveradm /opt/WODeployment

# Wait for 10 seconds to ensure that the user and group changes have propogated
echo "Wait for 10 seconds to ensure that the user and group changes have 
sleep 10

# Restart WO services
echo "Starting WebObjects services"
/etc/init.d/webobjects start

# Wait for 30 seconds to ensure that WebObjects services have booted before 
echo "Wait for 30 seconds to ensure that WebObjects services have booted before 
sleep 30

# Add a host
echo "Adding a host"
curl -X POST -d "{id: '',type: 'MHost', osType: 'UNIX',address: 
'', name: ''}"

# Configure the WOAdaptorURL
echo "Configuring the WOAdaptorURL in Java Monitor"
curl -X PUT -d "{woAdaptor:'http://prod.clicktravel.com/apps/WebObjects'}"

# Fetch and run our install dependencies script. We fetch this from the public 
webobjects s3 bucket.
echo "Fetch and run the helloworld server installation dependencies script"
touch /helloworld-deps-install.sh
s3get webobjects/helloworld-deps-install.sh /helloworld-deps-install.sh
chmod 775 /helloworld-deps-install.sh

# Fetch and run our apps install script. We fetch this from the public 
webobjects s3 bucket.
echo "Fetch and run our helloworld server application install script"
touch /helloworld-install.sh
s3get webobjects/helloworld-install.sh /helloworld-install.sh
chmod 775 /helloworld-install.sh

# Configure the WOAdaptorURL and password
echo "Configuring the password in Java Monitor"
curl -X PUT -d "{password:'wonderful'}"

sudo ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Eastern /etc/localtime

echo "Job done!"

> On Sep 1, 2020, at 1:00 PM, Theodore Petrosky <tedp...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> All of my experiments revolved around compiling everything on the target 
> machine.
> I will look around for the link, but there is a section that has an installer 
> script that is quite awesome.
> Give me a little to look around.
> Ted
>> On Sep 1, 2020, at 11:45 AM, Jesse Tayler <jtay...@oeinc.com> wrote:
>> I'm launching a new EC2 Instance and just installing from scratch and I 
>> found my way to this page
>> https://wiki.wocommunity.org/display/documentation/Installing+a+deployment+environment+on+RedHat%2C+CentOS+or+Amazon+Linux
>> These WO installs all have bad links or dead services?
>> sudo yum install wotaskd
>> sudo yum install womonitor
>> sudo yum install woadaptor
>> I notice there’s stuff here
>> https://packages.wocommunity.org/CentOS/latest/i386/
>> I'm not even certain I recall what CentOS is, I’m apparently on Amazon Linux 
>> 2
>> Ok, so what’s the latest working method for updating an EC2 instance?

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