
On 13 Dec 2021, at 20:56, Daniele Corti via Webobjects-dev 
<webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com> wrote:

> Today the vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 details (log4j) are out and looks like 
> all log4j versions are affected!
> I’ve seen many attempt on the logs of the servers, but I was not able to 
> understand if also my ERJar which contains the log4j-1.2.17 is affected.

As Ken Anderson noted, it only affects versions >=2.0-beta9 and <=2.14.1.


So log4j-1.2.17 specifically is unaffected. If that's the only Log4J you've got 
on the classpath, you're not affected. If you're running a vanilla Wonder app, 
you're almost certainly not using Log4J 2.

> Anyone was able to check if the standard 
> er.extensions.logging.ERXConsoleAppender is vulnerable?

It's "vulnerable" only to the extent that it does use '%m' to print the log 
message (and a potential mitigation is to use '%m{nolookups}' if you're on 
version >= 2.7), but that's only relevant if you're using a vulnerable version 
of Log4J 2.

Here are some brief notes I posted to Slack earlier today:

* The good news is that if you're just using vanilla WebObjects/Wonder, you're 
probably not affected by it: Wonder is still on Log4J 1. You might have a 
dependency pulling in Log4J 2, though it's not clear to me whether that would 
matter unless you had the app-level co-operation to set up and use Log4J 2 to 
do actual logging. If you're using Maven, it's very easy to check: "mvn 
dependency:tree | grep log4j".

* In any case, if you're definitely using Log4J 2 (we are—I went to some effort 
months ago to set it up!), you can mitigate the issue immediately by 
re-launching all instances with "-Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true". That will 
give you time to re-build with Log4J 2.15.0.

* Finally, if you're using AWS and you're using Web Application Firewall (WAF, 
which I highly recommend), you're already covered by the 
AWSManagedRulesKnownBadInputsRuleSet rules—if you're not using that set, add it 

Paul Hoadley

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