But I just recently learned how to do the old build! :p 

Seriously though, that's pretty awesome.

- hugi

> On 7 Nov 2024, at 11:47, Ramsey Gurley <ramseygur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In particular, I'm migrating the wolips build to maven+tycho instead of the 
> old ant build. Pretty soon, you should be able to 1) git clone the repo 2) 
> mvn clean package 3) there is no step three!
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iyMf3tlKpU
> But seriously, we won't even need an eclipse_home installed anywhere. Just 
> maven and source code.
> Anyway, I've just gotten the jrebel plugin to build, so that seems like that 
> can stay. jprofiler's update site is so old I am getting "partial IU" errors. 
> It looks like we should just dump that one at this point, unless someone can 
> point me to a newer one than the update site I find at 
> https://wocommunity.org/documents/tools/jprofiler6/
> On 11/7/24 5:44 PM, Hugi Thordarson via Webobjects-dev wrote:
>> Ramsay, it's awesome you're taking a look at WOLips, thanks for that! And 
>> curiosity is eating me alive; looking at anything in particular?
>> Not using either of the plugins you mentioned. But using the opportunity for 
>> some evangelism; replaced JRebel with DCEVM and hotswap-agent a few years 
>> back. Works like a charm and the wiki has a nice page showing how to set it 
>> up (the JDK 17 instructions work fine for JDK 21, you'll just have to go to 
>> the release pages of the JDK/hotswap-agent and download current versions 
>> instead of curl-ing the packages from the instructions):
>> https://flagged.apple.com:443/proxy?t2=Dn4e4D9Gv0&o=aHR0cHM6Ly93aWtpLndvY29tbXVuaXR5Lm9yZy94d2lraS9iaW4vdmlldy9XT0wvSG9tZS9XT0xpcHMvVXNpbmclMjBEQ0VWTSUyMGFuZCUyMEhvdHN3YXAlMjBmb3IlMjByYXBpZCUyMHR1cm5hcm91bmQ=&emid=7f9c85e1-99aa-4cb6-b237-7db7edd060a9&c=11/
>> On another more distantly related note (since launch arguments were 
>> mentioned) I stopped using WOLips WO launch configurations a couple of years 
>> back, preferring to
>> launch WO apps as regular java apps with a couple of added arguments. WOLips 
>> launch configurations generate a borked classpath when launching maven 
>> projects, making them somewhat troublesome if your dependencies are
>> beyond the simplest case (while java launch configurations will generate a 
>> correct classpath, i.e. reflecting what ends up in the build).
>> https://github.com/wocommunity/wolips/issues/153
>> Cheers,
>> - hugi
>>> On 7 Nov 2024, at 08:11, Martino Limido via Webobjects-dev 
>>> <webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Ramsey,
>>> I believe you’re correct—the plugin itself doesn’t actually exist. When 
>>> checking the file at site.xml, it lists 
>>> features/org.objectstyle.wolips.jrebel.feature_4.18.20240430.22.jar, but 
>>> this jar doesn’t appear to be installed. I think the “magic” here is simply 
>>> setting the ${jrebel_args} variable manually in each Run Configuration; no 
>>> additional support on the WOLips side seems necessary to make JRebel work 
>>> for us.
>>> In my opinion, removing these
>> references from the WOLips installation would be fine, as they don’t appear 
>> to impact JRebel’s functionality in any way.
>>> Thanks for looking into it!
>>> Best,
>>> Martino
>>>> Il giorno 7 nov 2024, alle ore
>> 02:18, Ramsey Gurley <ramseygur...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
>>>> I assumed they were dead because when I look in the site.xml, they are 
>>>> listed, but when I look in /features/ they don't exist. I'm not sure what 
>>>> magic is allowing you to install them but I will try to maintain both of 
>>>> these since they apparently still work :)
>>>> https://flagged.apple.com:443/proxy?t2=DZ8B9s3CD5&o=aHR0cHM6Ly9qZW5raW5zLndvY29tbXVuaXR5Lm9yZy9qb2IvV09MaXBzX21hc3Rlci9sYXN0U3VjY2Vzc2Z1bEJ1aWxkL2FydGlmYWN0L3RlbXAvZGlzdA==&emid=7f9c85e1-99aa-4cb6-b237-7db7edd060a9&c=11/
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