You guys are so smart it scares me. 
And I am on WOLips

BTW, where do we stand on:
1. D2W modern look
2. Created Frameworks (I do this a lot for DB connections, ec.)

> On Jan 19, 2025, at 5:48 PM, Ramsey Gurley via Webobjects-dev 
> <> wrote:
> Since we are chatting...  is it sufficient to add the JavaXML framework to 
> <exclusions> in order to see that issue 153 happen?
> On 1/20/25 7:42 AM, Hugi Thordarson via Webobjects-dev wrote:
>>>> Regarding workarounds for the module system (—add-exports/- -add-opens), I 
>>>> keep those in the global configuration for the JREs used by Eclipse to 
>>>> launch my applications (same place where you’d usually put the 
>>>> hotswap-agent and DCEVM config), so it’s a one time thing that I don’t 
>>>> have to worry about in the context of individual projects.
>>> Oh you've got to be kidding me:
>>> <PastedGraphic-1.png>
>>> When did I put that there!? The final punchline will probably be that you 
>>> told me to put that there 3 years ago.
>> You’ve got quite the fauna over there, perhaps an unknown species that 
>> sneaks into people's houses at night and helpfully configures their JREs? 
>> The Woobnogger?
>>> So Ted, the solution to the mystery here is that what I told you to do for 
>>> one project can also be done globally for all your Eclipse launches: see 
>>> above. That's why your project appeared to launch for me without 
>>> modification, but required you to add VM arguments.
>>>> I’ve mentioned this before, but for years I’ve been running my 
>>>> applications as plain java applications rather than WO applications, since 
>>>> the WOLips launcher constructs a broken classpath for maven applications 
>>>> (which, IIRC, also results in problems resolving workspace projects at 
>>>> runtime when debugging). I haven’t encountered any problems using this 
>>>> method so I think I can safely recommend it.
>>> It's been in my to-do list to try this out for a while now.
>> If you’re not experiencing any of those classpath problems, it might not do 
>> much for you. But it saved my ass back in the day.
>> Cheers,
>> - hugi
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