Le 2010-11-05 12:13, Benjamin Horst a écrit :

On Nov 5, 2010, at 9:41 AM, drew wrote:

On Fri, 2010-11-05 at 13:34 +0930, Michael Wheatland wrote:
The Ubuntu Community has suggested what is called a 'We Menu' which
adds a community aspect to the OS.
Might be an idea for LibreOffice?


I agree there is good, possibly, stuff- for a good part of this week,
when I had time, I've been crawling all over the Ubuntu sites ( on the
IRC channel and Mailing list) talking to folks and reading about how
they handle team building / support / reporting.

There is some great stuff there - to be honest I doubt we will find much
interest here in TDF - but I'll be trying over the next couple of days.

I like this very much. This ties the app into the web in useful, community ways, and 
shows off the strength of our online community, if we do it well. It can help new users 
find "coaches" to help them learn how best to use LibO, and it can help 
experienced users too.

Almost two years ago, I created a proposal for the OOo Start Center that 
included community features like this in the start splash screen. (I called it 
the Dashboard and documented the idea here: 
http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/OpenOffice.org_Dashboard_Concept )


Benjamin Horst
646-464-2314 (Eastern)

Nice work! I like this. As you say in your "Web Integration" section, the more active user become the more they will stick with OOo/LibO. Allowing our user base to join in one way or another gives them a sense of belonging. As to our TDF/LibO members, these people are here to make a difference in either participating actively or making sure their voice is here. We really caretakers of two groups: LibO users at large (through our user help tools) and our TDF/LibO members. In either case, Ben's "Dashboard" idea or the Ubuntu "WeMenu" are looking at addressing these needs.

I think that we should look a little more closely at Ben's "Dashboard" proposal as well as the "WeMenu" as they seem to be at, pretty well, the same point of development.

I guess if Ben is still interested in continuing developing the "Dashboard" proposal.


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