On Sat, 2010-11-20 at 15:09 -0600, Carlos Jenkins wrote:
> 2010/11/20 Karl-Heinz Gödderz <de...@gukk-online.de>
> >
> > there is a forum in drupal at: http://www.libreofficeforum.org/
> > can this be integrated?
> >
> Absolutly no problem, if you know the manager, ask him/her to send to the
> Drupal Dev Team the Features involved so we can integrate it.

Abosolutely true - assuming Sam wants to be integrated, which I don't
think he does. Do ask, he was reading this list in the past wouldn't be
surprised if he isn't now also.

There is a second forum up already also:

The second site hasn't really advertised for users that I've seen, BTW.

Which in and of it self, in mind anyway, is a good thing.

Thee are plenty of web forums hosted by different groups and individuals
for OpenOffice.org. There are a lot of users and it's good that there
are plenty of choices for them. 

We could go live with out a forum in the domain.

Looking at the overall:

The forums at user services openoffice.org would if asked go as far as
opening a separate board for libreOffice - not a separate site only a
single board within existing sites. My opinion is that we don't ask for
that and we look to setting up fully separate support sties for the two

There are moderators at the site that would be interested in helping at
a forum hosted within the libreoffice domain. They would not be stopping
what they are doing at openoffice but interested in helping to get a new
forum up and running as a fresh group of responders grows at the new

So - 

Sam, libreofficeforum.org, to the best of my knowledge is going to stay
open, whether we link to his site or not. I don't think, as I said, that
he will want to be embedded in our CMS, but ask him.

Libreoffice-forum.de, if it's predecessor site is any indicator, will be
a useful support forum. I'm guessing this site isn't going to want to
close either.

Which is why I asked if we wanted one within the libreoffice domain.

Would there be enough user base for all of them - maybe.

Could we do things with a forum within the domain that we couldn't by
just allowing third party sites to open - I think so.

Anyway - sorry for being slow here in getting back.

Best wishes,


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