Hi Elanjelian, *,

On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 2:37 AM, Elanjelian Venugopal
<tamil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> May I know if the console is accessible to list moderators? If yes, is
> there a list of commands that, I suppose, we could send to mlmmj via
> e-mail?

No, it is only available to admins that can actually log in to the
server, i.e. those who have shell access - and it's not possible to
grant that to moderators.

If you're interested in the number of subscribers, then there's the
weekly statistics that are sent out automatically.

List owners usually can request a list of subscribes by posting to

(i.e. the +list command)

but there's a bug currently that makes this command fail.

> Or should we install mlmmj and manage the list through it? (I've
> never managed an mlmmj mailing list before; so, I'm not familiar.)

mlmmj is the mailinglist tool TDF uses - i.e. the mailinglist are
using mlmmj - no need to install that unless you want to host a
malinglist on your own server :-)

> I am also keen to add a (or, if there is one already, edit the) welcome
> message subscribers receive upon joining the mailing list.

There should be one - although in english and not in tamil.

Below is the set of list-messages that are sent as reply by the list.
Note that parts aren't used for example the gatekeeper parts or
closed-list parts.

http://mlmmj.org/docs/readme-listtexts/ describes the format and the
conditionals in more detail, but hopefully the texts by itself are
self-explanatory for the most part.
The welcome message is in the "finish" one..

###### confirm ######
%ifaction sub%Subject: Confirm subscription to $list$@$domain$%endif%
%ifaction unsub%Subject: Confirm unsubscribe from $list$@$domain$%endif%

%text prologue%

%ifaction sub%
  %ifreason admin%
    An administrator
  %ifreason request%
    Somebody (and we hope it was you)
  has requested that your email address <$subaddr$> be added
  %iftype normal%
    to the list. This means every time a post is sent to the list, you will
    receive a copy of it.
  %iftype digest%
    to the list, to receive digests. This means you will receive multiple
    posts in a single mail message, at regular intervals, or when a lot of
    posts have accumulated.
  %iftype nomail%
    to the list, without mail delivery. This means you will not receive any
    posts to the list, but you are considered a member. This means, for
    instance, you are able to post to a list which only subscribers may post
    to, while you follow the list using a web archive or another subscribed
    email address.

%ifaction unsub%
  %ifreason admin%
    An administrator
  %ifreason request%
    Somebody (and we hope it was you)
  has requested that the email address <$subaddr$> be removed from the list.

%wrap%To confirm you want to do this, please send a message to <$confaddr$>
which can usually be done simply by replying to this message. The subject
and the body of the message can be anything.

After doing so, you should receive a reply informing you that the operation

If you do not want to do this, simply ignore this message.

###### deny ######
%ifaction sub%Subject: Unable to subscribe to $list$@$domain$%endif%
%ifaction unsub%Subject: Unable to unsubscribe from $list$@$domain$%endif%
%ifaction release reject%Subject: Unable to moderate $list$@$domain$%endif%
%ifaction permit obstruct%Subject: Unable to gatekeep $list$@$domain$%endif%

%text prologue%

%ifaction sub%
  %^%%wrap%You were unable to be subscribed to the list
  %ifreason disabled%
    because the
    %iftype normal% normal %endif%
    %iftype digest% digest %endif%
    %iftype nomail% no-mail %endif%
    version of the list is turned off.
  %ifreason closed%
    because people are not allowed to subscribe to this list by email.
  %ifreason subbed%
    because you are already subscribed.
  %ifreason expired%
    because too much time passed without a gatekeeper permitting your entry.
  %ifreason obstruct%
    because a gatekeeper obstructed your entry.

%ifaction unsub%
  %^%%wrap%You were unable to be unsubscribed from the list
  %ifreason unsubbed%
    because you are not subscribed.

    %^%%wrap%If you are receiving messages, perhaps a different email
    address is subscribed. To find out which address you are subscribed
    with, refer to the message welcoming you to the list, or look at the
    envelope "Return-Path" header of a message you receive from the list.

%ifaction release reject%
  %ifaction release%
    You were unable to release the specified post to the list
  %ifaction reject%
    You were unable to reject the specified post
  %ifreason notfound%
    because it could not be found. Perhaps another moderator already
    released or rejected it, or it expired.
  %ifreason moderators%
    because you are not a moderator for the list.

%ifaction permit obstruct%
  %ifaction permit%
    You were unable to permit the specified subscription request
  %ifaction obstruct%
    You were unable to obstruct the specified subscription request
  %ifreason notfound%
    because it could not be found. Perhaps another gatekeeper already
    permitted or obstructed it, or it expired.
  %ifreason gatekeepers%
    because you are not a gatekeeper for the list.

###### deny-post ######
Subject: Post to $list$@$domain$ denied: $subject$
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

%text prologue%

%wrap%The message from <$posteraddr$> with subject "$subject$" was unable to
be delivered to the list
%ifreason maxmailsize%
  because it exceeded the maximum allowed message size of $maxmailsize$
%ifreason tocc%
  because the list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.
%ifreason access%
  because of an access rule set up by the list administrator.
%ifreason expired%
  because too much time passed without any moderator releasing it.
%ifreason reject%
  because a moderator rejected it.
%ifreason subonlypost%
  because you are not a list subscriber.

  %ifcontrol closedlist closedlistsub%
    %^%%wrap%If you wish to become a subscriber, you will need to contact a
    list administrator. You can email <$list+$owner@$domain$> to contact the
    list owner.

  %^%%wrap%If you believe you are a subscriber, you are probably subscribed
  with a different email address. To find out which address you are
  subscribed with, refer to the message welcoming you to the list, or look
  at the envelope "Return-Path" header of a message you receive from the

%ifreason maxmailsize%
  %^%(The beginning of the denied message is below.)
  %^%(The denied message is below.)

Content-Type: message/rfc822
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="message.eml"

%ifreason maxmailsize%
  %^%%originalmail 300%
###### digest ######
Subject: Digest of $list$@$domain$ issue $digestissue$ ($digestinterval$)

Topics (messages $digestfirst$ through $digestlast$):
- %digestthreads%

###### faq ######
Subject: Frequently asked questions of $list$@$domain$

Sorry, no FAQ available yet.

###### finish ######
%ifaction unsub%Subject: Goodbye from $list$@$domain$%endif%
%ifaction release reject%Subject: Moderated $list$@$domain$: $subject$%endif%
%ifaction permit obstruct%Subject: Guarded $list$@$domain$: $subaddr$%endif%
%ifaction post%Subject: Posted to $list$@$domain$: $subject$%endif%

%text prologue%

%ifaction unsub%
  %ifreason request%
  %ifreason confirm%
    Thank you for confirming your unsubscribe.
  %ifreason admin%
    An administrator has removed you from the list.
    You have now been removed from the list.

%ifaction release%
  %^%%wrap%You have successfully released the message from <$posteraddr$>
  with subject "$subject$" to the list.

%ifaction reject%
  %^%%wrap%You have successfully rejected the message from <$posteraddr$>
  with subject "$subject$".

%ifaction permit%
  %^%%wrap%You have successfully permitted <$subaddr$> to join the list.

%ifaction obstruct%
  %^%%wrap%You have successfully obstructed <$subaddr$> from joining the

%ifaction post%
  %ifreason confirm%
    Thank you for confirming
  %ifreason release%
    A moderator has released
  %ifreason request%
    Thank you for
  your post with subject "$subject$". It is now being distributed to the

###### finish-sub ######
Subject: Welcome to $list$@$domain$

%text prologue%

%ifreason request%
  Thank you for your request to join us.
%ifreason confirm%
  Thank you for confirming your subscription.
%ifreason permit%
  A gatekeeper has permitted you to join us.
%ifreason switch%
  Your subscription has been switched to the
  %ifreason admin%
    An administrator has subscribed you to the
    You have now been added to the
%iftype normal% normal %endif%
%iftype digest% digest %endif%
%iftype nomail% no-mail %endif%
version of the list.

%wrap%The email address you are subscribed with is <$subaddr$>.

%ifcontrol closedlist%
  %^%%wrap%If you ever wish to unsubscribe, you will need to contact a list
  administrator. You can email <$list+$owner@$domain$> to contact the list
  %^%%wrap%If you ever wish to unsubscribe, send a message to
  <$list+$unsubscribe@$domain$> using this email address. The subject and
  the body of the message can be anything. You will then receive
  confirmation or further instructions.

%wrap%For other information and help about this list, send a message to

###### gatekeep-sub ######
Subject: Subscription request for $list$@$domain$: $subaddr$

%text prologue%

%wrap%There has been a request from <$subaddr$> to join the
%iftype normal% normal %endif%
%iftype digest% digest %endif%
%iftype nomail% no-mail %endif%
version of the list.

%wrap%To permit this, please send a message to <$permitaddr$> which can
usually be done simply by replying to this message.

%wrap%If you do not want to do this, either send a message to
<$obstructaddr$> or simply ignore this message.

The following gatekeepers have received this mail:
- %gatekeepers%

###### help ######
Subject: Information for $list$@$domain$

%text prologue%

Here is some information about the list.

You can subscribe to the following versions:

- %wrap%The normal version: Every time a post is sent to the list,
subscribers receive a copy of it.
%ifcontrol closedlist closedlistsub%
  Subscribe by contacting a list administrator.
  Subscribe by emailing <$list+$subscribe@$domain$>.

%ifncontrol nodigestsub%
  %^%- %wrap%The digest version: Subscribers receive multiple posts in a
  single mail message, at regular intervals, or when a lot of posts have
  %ifcontrol closedlist closedlistsub%
    Subscribe by contacting a list administrator.
    Subscribe by emailing <$list+$subscribe-digest@$domain$>.

%ifncontrol nonomailsub%
  %^%- %wrap%The no-mail version: Subscribers do not receive any posts to
  the list. This means, though, they are able to post to a list which only
  subscribers may post to, while they follow the list using a web archive or
  another subscribed email address.
  %ifcontrol closedlist closedlistsub%
    Subscribe by contacting a list administrator.
    Subscribe by emailing <$list+$subscribe-nomail@$domain$>.

%ifcontrol submod%
  %^%%wrap%The list has gatekeepers who will review subscription requests
  before permitting new members.

%ifcontrol closedlist%
  %^%%wrap%Unsubscribe by contacting a list administrator.
  %^%%wrap%Unsubscribe by emailing <$list+$unsubscribe@$domain$>.

%wrap%Posts are made by emailing <$list$@$domain$>.

%ifcontrol subonlypost%%ifncontrol modnonsubposts%
  %^%%wrap%However, only subscribers may post to the list.

%ifcontrol moderated%
  %^%%wrap%The list has moderators who will review all posts before
  releasing them to the list.
  %ifcontrol subonlypost%%ifcontrol modnonsubposts%
    %^%%wrap%The list has moderators who will review posts from
    non-subscribers before releasing them to the list.

%ifcontrol access%
  %^%%wrap%The list also has access rules which may affect who can post and
  which posts are moderated.

%ifncontrol noget%%ifncontrol noarchive%
  %ifcontrol subonlyget%
  can retrieve message number N from the list's archive by sending a message
  to <$list+$get-N@$domain$> (change the N to the number of the desired

%wrap%You can retrieve the frequently asked questions document for the list
by sending a message to <$list+$faq@$domain$>.

%wrap%To contact the list owner, send a message to <$list+$owner@$domain$>.

###### list ######
Subject: Subscribers to $list$@$domain$

%text prologue%

%wrap%Here is the list of subscribers
%iftype all%
  (to all versions of the list):
  to the
  %iftype normal% normal %endif%
  %iftype digest% digest %endif%
  %iftype nomail% no-mail %endif%
  version of the list:

%iftype all normal%
  %^%- %normalsubs%
%iftype all digest%
  %^%- %digestsubs%
%iftype all nomail%
  %^%- %nomailsubs%

###### moderate-post ######
Subject: Please moderate $list$@$domain$: $subject$
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

%text prologue%

%wrap%A message from <$posteraddr$> with subject "$subject$" has been
submitted for posting. You are being asked to moderate
%ifreason modnonsubposts%
  because the requester is not a subscriber.
%ifreason moderated%
  because this is a moderated list.
%ifreason access%
  because of an access rule.
The message is below.

%wrap%To release it to the list, please send a message to <$releaseaddr$>
which can usually be done simply by replying to this message.

%wrap%If you do not want to do any of this, either send a message to
<$rejectaddr$> or simply ignore this message.

The following moderators have received this mail:
- %moderators%

Content-Type: message/rfc822
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="message.eml"

###### notify ######
%ifaction sub%Subject: Subscribed to $list$@$domain$: $subaddr$%endif%
%ifaction unsub%Subject: Unsubscribed from $list$@$domain$: $subaddr$%endif%

%text prologue%

%ifaction sub%
  %^%%wrap%The address <$subaddr$> has been subscribed to the
  %iftype normal% normal %endif%
  %iftype digest% digest %endif%
  %iftype nomail% no-mail %endif%
  version of the list
  %ifreason request%
    because a request to join was received.
  %ifreason confirm%
    because a request to join was confirmed.
  %ifreason admin%
    because an administrator commanded it.
  %ifreason permit%
    because a gatekeeper permitted it.

%ifaction unsub%
  %^%%wrap%The address <$subaddr$> has been unsubscribed from the list
  %ifreason request%
    because a request to unsubscribe was received.
  %ifreason confirm%
    because a request to unsubscribe was confirmed.
  %ifreason admin%
    because an administrator commanded it.
  %ifreason bouncing%
    because it has been bouncing for too long.

###### probe ######
Subject: Bouncing messages from $list$@$domain$

%text prologue%

Some messages to you could not be delivered. If you're seeing this
message it means things are back to normal, and it's merely for your

Here is the list of the bounced messages:
- %bouncenumbers%

###### prologue ######
%wrap%Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the <$list$@$domain$> mailing
###### wait-post ######
Subject: Awaiting release to $list$@$domain$: $subject$
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

%text prologue%

%wrap%The message from <$posteraddr$> with subject "$subject$" has been
submitted to the list. However, the moderators are being asked to review it
before releasing it to the list
%ifreason moderated%
  because this is a moderated list.
%ifreason access%
  because of an access rule.
%ifreason modnonsubposts%
  because you are not a subscriber.

(The message is below.)

Content-Type: message/rfc822
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="message.eml"

###### wait-sub ######
Subject: Awaiting permission to join $list$@$domain$

%text prologue%

%wrap%Your request to join the list has been received. However, the
gatekeepers are being asked to review it before permitting you to join.

To unsubscribe e-mail to: website+unsubscr...@global.libreoffice.org
Problems? http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/mailing-lists/how-to-unsubscribe/
Posting guidelines + more: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Netiquette
List archive: http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/website/
All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted

Reply via email to