Þann mið 18.apr 2018 22:54, skrifaði Dennis Roczek:
On 18.04.2018 18:24, Sveinn í Felli wrote:
Þann mið 18.apr 2018 15:20, skrifaði Guilhem Moulin:
Anyway, I'd think this text "Impressum | Privacy Policy" ought to be

No technical objection, but AFAIK for legal reasons we can't.

Normally there are legal reasons for not translating the *contents* of
those, there are several occurences of the titles/headers being
translated ;-)
well the TDF is German based and in Germany we have the strange rule tha
on every page "Impressum" is linked. (actually with that wording) A
solution is to translate the word to "TRANSLATION (Impressum)" - but
then every translation has to be supervised afterwards by the TDF offici

OK, possibly most cultures could accept "Impressum" as a Latin/German/official proper-name (don't know if languages with other scripts would like to transliterate as well), though I think most already have their own version of the word. But "Privacy Policy" is another beast; it has nothing to do with legalese procedures/customs to have that in plain English. Unless, of course, this Nextcloud-header is not translatable at all (which I doubt, having translated nearly all of Nextcloud myself).

I understand this is a very small issue; being shown only the first-time an user logs in, and that these particular users may give TDF/LO a certain slack for such details. But nevertheless, especially regarding the broken HTML-entities (codepage issue? wrong escaping?), IMHO this is an unnecessary unprofessional goof which may leave the users with the impression that they're using beta-software and should expect issues from time to time.

Screenshot: <http://sv1.fellsnet.is/libreoffice/Nextcloud_splash_2018-04-18_08:04:57.png>

Redmine issue: <https://redmine.documentfoundation.org/issues/2601>

Best regards,
Sveinn í Felli

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