Mike Saunders schrieb:

I think it's just because the words in the menu are quite long, so the
menu becomes wider than the logo. If I do "inspect element" in Firefox,
for instance, and replace "Zhromadźenstwo" with "Z", then the menu is
shorter and goes alongside the logo as usual.

My suggestion is: remove "Startowa strona" from the menu. It's not
required (for instance, the EN and FR sites don't have it, and their
menus begin with "Discover"). Also, the LibreOffice logo goes back to
the start page anyway.

Hi Mike,

thank you for the good hint.

I came to a compromise. I shortened "Startowa strona" to "Start" and replaced "Zhromadźenstwo" by "Sobudźěło", analogous to the German website that uses "Mitarbeit" (collaboration).

For the Lower Sorbian website they will be "Start" and "Sobuźěło".

Once more thank you very much.

Kind regards,


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