
On Mon, 18 Nov 2019 at 10:22:33 -0800, Zeki Bildirici wrote:
> I've configured my account details are as follows:
> https://i.hizliresim.com/7B3E5W.png
> But I still can't reach the tr admin panel.

As written in the message you're replying to,

| ‘kobzeci’ hasn't regained access to Silverstripe yet, because none of
| the email addresses listed in her LDAP entry can be found on the
| Silverstripe side.  She needs to use https://user.documentfoundation.org
| and add the address tied to her Silverstripe account.  The linked
| services will then appear in the *informational* “Linked profiles”
| section of that page; and the next script run will link the accounts.

There is no Silverstripe account with your GMail addresses.  The closest
I could find is an address under the ‘ozgurlukicin.com’ domain (for
which there are other Wiki and Bugzilla accounts…).  You need to add the
address used for your old Silverstripe account to your SSO profile in
order to regain your account.

> And the login page is still at tr.libreoffice.org/admin/

Yes, or just https://libreoffice.org/admin .  They redirect to the same


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