1. guilhem
2. cloph
3. Brett
4. wget


* weblate
  + cloph: could use that for weblate ,
    better perf/price ratio, more suited for weblate
  + could use the metal box as massive central RDBMS
    - would be better to have something close to the backup server for that,
      but first things first, can proceed once the box is idling
  + ETA/plans for migration
    - cloph: translators not happy, so would prefer to deprecate pootle sooner,
      incl. 6.3 branch
      . two services used as the moment, yield confusion among translators
      . since weblate is backed by a repo we won't loose any translations during
        the migration
    - AI guilhem: doublecheck with floeff and order the box (AX41-NVMe -- or
      maybe wait until dec 1 for full billig period), then deploy via salt
  + SSO-wise we need a migration as user profiles were imported from Pootle
* PiTR
  + guilhem: started work to backup to berta
  + prometheus exporters
    - AI Brett: salt states for the barman exporter, plus alert system and
    - AI Guilhem: same thing for Pg (and MySQL)
* Update check
  + lua implem works fine, shutdown/remote PHP? (cloph: OK to disable it)
  + wget: did the endopoint change?  Chocolatey makes requests to the .php
    script with a custom User-Agent
    - it's still /check.php, could change later if desired but how the script is
      run server-side is irrelevant from a client perspective
  + two HTTP requests (GET + OPTIONS/PROPFIND) per check
    - cloph: will look into that
* Gerrit SSO
  + +5% active (in the past 30days) accounts in SSO (from 80% to 85%)
    - next steps? sent individual mails, added banner, cloph will mention the
      names to the ESC.  g to send reminders
  + would be nice to migrate this year so we can upgrade to ≥2.16 before FOSDEM
* tb69:
  + Brett: haven't received it yet
  + guilhem to ask Norbert again
* OpenVPN server on vm145: not urgent anymore (cloph)
* wget: would we get a Mastodon instance before the end of the year?
  + g doable for Q4 2019, failing that before FOSDEM
  + AI wget: create redmine ticket (rdm#3033)
* Next call: Tue Dec 17 17:30:00 UTC 2019


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