1. guilhem
2. wget
3. Emiliano


 * BoD decision implementation wrt
   + Clear for Bugzilla (freeze the component) and the dashboard (remove indices
     and revert back to prefork) → AI guilhem
   + Not yet clear what to do for {OpenGrok and, leaving at is for now pending further
   + Unclear what to do with TDF's own Online instance, pending clarification
     from BoD during the FOSDEM meeting
 * wget: couldn't the election platform be used for other community decisions
   (TDF members) too? any technical objections?
   + code at
     - max *one* election at a time
     - site is aging but could be used if needs be, we used it for conference
       2020 after all
   + EV: Daniel is currently experimenting with modern decision platforms such
     as decidim [rdm#3251]
   + We also have which is underused
   + There are also platforms like:
   + EV: difficult to define the target: TDF members; community at large; users
 * Still pending
   + mailing list import (guilhem: will get finally back to this now)
   + guest monitoring
   + askbot → discourse *sample* import
     - wget: will provide a test machine with the imported data to see how the
       migration goes and see if we have drawbacks to think about
     - guilhem: feel free to use vm222's api
     - In the past, we contacted manually users who performed changes 6 months
       before and were poking them manually. When the rate of adoption was above
       something like 70% active accounts, the deployment was made.
     - Those who didn't made the switch were just being locked down and not
       being able to login. They needed to poke and link manually the account if
       they wanted to recover their account. Same happened with gerrit back in
       the days.
       . guilhem: contribution attribution and account linking isn't the
         focus here anyway, that's something to be done by the infra
         team at a later step
     - While indeed we have much more accounts on askbot, we now have many more
       SSO accounts as well, so this will help
     - Also, people asking questions are more likely not to care about loosing
       their account; people answering questions actively are more likely to 
       about their account (gamification, rewards, etc.) but also more likely to
       have an account on the SSO platform as they're community members
 * Upcoming upgrade/downtime
   + one hypervisor left to reboot
   + done during the holiday season: mediawiki, weblate, piwik, nextcloud, etc
 * Old pootle box
   + that's an XL box, current XLs at Manitu still have the same price and
     characteristics → guilhem and cloph to discuss whether to upgrade to XXL or
     keep that box
 * wget: Update server: the update map is still updated manually, tdf is just
   ensuring in the checklist release process that we make sure the map is
   + the code for the answer is available here:
   + guilhem to check with cloph where the map is published
 * Next call: Feb 16 at 17:30 UTC


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