1. guilhem
2. cloph
3. Emiliano
5. Hossein
6. Brett

 * [rdm#2952] AskBot → Discourse
   + guilhem: trying to guesstimate the ETA for the import (~30h) and subsquent
     sidekiq job queue flush (notifications, post rebakes, hotlinks, etc)
   + multisite works fine, we can offer as a
     replacement for / addition to (bridging) for (some) mailing lists
   + not done yet: metric collections to grimoire dashboard, matomo collection,
     branding (probably need some help from design team to make it more tdf/libo
   + Hossein: What about developers? A new platform for communication would be
     - Possible problem: Multiple contact points, leading to information 
     - Possible solution: Bridging multiple platforms
     - We'd need to design a nice landing page to attract people
       . like a more shiney version of
       . cf. also ( → 
"Improve It" →
         What can I do…)
     - guilhem: median is 1 #posts/user (50% of 50k accounts have a single post)
       . Hossein: consolidation could help here, would need either a single
         website or unify their theme, in which provide a unified look and feel
         for the users
       . As a user: List of my latest interactions with LibreOffice/TDF?
       . As a developer: List of my latest contributions
     - Public view: top users / contributors
       . Active, there are posts on blog about it
       . Good for creating reports
       . At the moment one can not find one's own contributions easily (without
         knowing username)
   + test instance at (point your local resolver to
   + Questions/Answers are migrated.  Lost in translation: badges (reputation),
     watch list, notification settings, saved searches.
     - Hossein: can preserve badges in the form of text/gifs in the bio
     - guilhem: doable but unconvinced it's helpful as it's not authoritative
     - Daniel suggested creating a wiki page and dump archives there
     - If there was a "public profile page", this stuff could go there
   + Hossein: could be used to expose user
     - A "private profile panel"
     - guilhem:
       . possibly linked to the dashboard
       . Not necessarily a copy of that (too much data, some inline numbers 
         be better — can query ES directly in javascript then)
       . It is a bit of work, but the tools are available there
       . public page: marketing team is giving badges (OpenBadges [rdm#2638]),
         IIRC plan was to make that public (opt-in) at some point
 * Hetzner boxes
   + guilhem: still on todo
   + bibisect.lo and gerrit.lo can be separated now
   + guilhem: poke adfinis regarding the mac mini + mount (+ KVM device)
 * PiTR
   + Rather than PiTR/synchronous streaming, should some services simply ship
     WAL via PostgreSQL's replication? i.e. some concerns were shared about the
     synchronous nature of PiTR for services that don't necessarily require low
   + guilhem: follow up on irc/[matrix]
 * pending/in progress
   + gerrit upgrade 3.3
   + mailing list import
   + firewall refactoring (guilhem: pending call with Jonathan)
   + node monitoring
   + mirrorbits
 * Next call: July 20, 18:30 CEST


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