On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 7:22 PM, Tim Flink <tfl...@redhat.com> wrote:

> We've been trying to brainstorm ideas on how to increase the number of
> proventesters [1] and one idea was to separate out testing from OS
> Development on the join-fedora page [2].
> Our rationale behind this is that a lot of the testing that needs to be
> done doesn't really require the ability to code or a deep understanding
> of Fedora.
> For example, a proventester should be installing (at least some)
> packages from updates-testing and giving karma to those updates after
> some use. Ideally, that person would file a new bug or add a report to
> an existing bug for any issues encountered but a vast majority of the
> updates don't have immediate issues.
> Our hope is that we might be able to attract more proventesters if it
> was described as a little less technical than packaging or BugZapping.
> By attracting more members, we would be able to have better coverage of
> packages for Fedora releases and not end up with so many packages in
> updates-testing for months before they can be pushed to stable.
> So, our questions are:
>  - Would it be possible to change the groups on join-fedora?
Sure, it is possible.

>  - If so, is there a process for proposing the change?
> You first need to change it in the wiki page,
Then, you need to contact the design team to make an icon for the tester
role. When you've done that, just reply to this email with the text you want
to use as a role description. I'd suggest just saying "tester" and not
proventester, because it's more clear.
When all these steps are done, I'll be able to add it to the join-fedora

> Thanks,
> Tim
> [1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Proven_tester
> [2] http://fedoraproject.org/join-fedora
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