Ups sorry, you're right: your log extract was already at debug level.

I think that the cause of the problem is the name of your radio button
>selectedDeleteTimeItems['-375616497']<: it contains quote and bracket
and HtmlForm puts this name unescaped in an xpath expression to retrieve

Can you please open an issue by HtmlUnit for it.


Christian Kölle wrote:
> Marc Guillemot wrote:
>> Hmmm, can you configure lib/ to debug to get more
>> information?
> Hi
> As you can see in the log snippet this was already the full debug level.
> I've played around with the but don't get any new
> information.
> What i've done instead is to verify the radio button setting after the
> setRadioButton step. When i do this the verify step consistently fails
> every time. The setRedioButton step seems not work. I inserted also a
> sleep between the set and the verify and surrounded the steps with a
> retry. But this has no effect at all.
> I also migrated to htmlunit 1.14. This also doesn't change anything.
> I will try to create a minimal web application and test to reproduce the
> problem. But this may take some time.
> Thanks for the answers anyway
> Christian
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