we are testing our web-application (based on Apache Wicket) with WebTest 2.5. 
Since now we were able to test all elements of our page. But now we detected a 
problem with the wicket ajax tabbed panel. After clicking a tab, we implemented 
a sleep with 2 seconds and get the following error:

ScriptEnging - runtimeError:message=[ActiveXObject Error: no value for 

You can simply test it by your own, the Wicket-Demo-Pages doesnt work with 
webtest too. Here is a simple test which reproduces the error:

        <invoke description="Tabstart" 
        <verifyText text="This is tab-panel 1" />
        <clickLink description="Click link: second tab" label="second tab"/>
        <sleep seconds="2"/>
        <verifyText text="This is tab-panel 2" />

Does anyone know this problem and has a solution / workaround for this?

Thanx in advance


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