I went through most of the Webware toplevel doco today and checked in lots of html cleanup and cosmetic improvements (I hope it's ok to do this directly in the trunk, since it can hardly break anything).

Actually, the whole documentation creation process should be overhauled. Currently it's very patchy with a lot of different tools and obscure automagic. There's the ".htmlf" header/footer fragment processing and there are ".raw" templates which are actually only used for one single page of the doco (the style guidelines). The htmlf/raw do not mix. There are also other pages that are not processed at all. And there are even pages which do not have a proper head and body section, e.g. ClassList.html. In the long run, I think we would do good to change over to a consistent documentation creation process throughout Webware, using one of Webware's featured templating languages such as PSP or Kid.

I also noticed that there are still a lot of references to CVS as opposed to SVN, for instance in:

.cvsignore files everywhere

Maybe somebody who knows more about the release procedures and migration to SVN can adjust these things and get rid of the CVS reminiscences.

-- Christoph

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