Ian Bicking wrote:

> To me, Webware's lack of a conventional Python installation process has always been a serious problem. There's no reason to use Webware's distribution mechanism (which clearly is slow and error prone, which has a lot to do with the many-year delay of 0.9) when you have a new piece of code that can easily be distributed by itself.

Ok, so by your advice I will make DBUtils an independent package on the top level of the repository. Is there a way for me to put a tarball in the download section that I can refer to from the wiki?

I will only make some minor changes to MiscUtils/DBPool.py and add a note about the existence of DBUtils.

Speaking about Webware installation, how difficult do you think would it be to change Webware to use a standard distutils or setuptools installer? Everything except bin would go to the site-packages directory. MakeAppWorkDir could be the same as always.

-- Christoph

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