
First, I just want to thank the developers/contributers of Webware for 
their excellent work. I am pretty new to web application development 
having only done small applications in the past. After looking at 
several other platforms in Java and Python I have chosen Webware for 
(what is to me) a fairly large project. I like Webware because it is 
lightweight yet well designed so easy to understand, use, and extend. I 
am also happy to see that there are others are currently active in its 
ongoing development.

Below is a description of a problem with running the Component 0.2 
examples and the fix I found:

- I checked out Component 0.2 from 
http://webwareforpython.org/downloads/Component/Component-0.2.tar.gz and 
experimented with it by creating a symbolic link to its  Example 
subdirectory in a new Webkit (0.91) instance and then adding 
Contexts['Examples'] = 'Examples' in Application.config.

- I then restarted the Webware site and visited it using http://<local 
webware uri>/Examples/ ->This showed the default Webware examples page 
but nothing else.

- When I looked at Main.py in ./Examples I saw the line from 
WebKit.Examples.ExamplePage. I added the following line under the Main 
class definition just so I could play with the examples:

 def respond(self, trans):
        trans.application().forward(trans, '/Login' + 
trans.request().extraURLPath() )

- This led to the following error when I refreshed http://<local webware 
uri>/Examples/ :

line 19, in title [edit] 
    return CPage.title(self)
TypeError: unbound method title() must be called with CPage instance as first 
argument (got Login instance instead)

- After fiddling awhile I noticed that the ExamplePage class in ./Example did 
not inherit from CPage so I added it:

class ExamplePage(CPage, WebKitExamplePage):

- This fixed the problem and all the pages in Example worked fine.

Hope it helps,
Richard Boyce

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