Jerome Kerdreux wrote:
> Hum .. I guess you found something. The url is 
> but the cookie path is "/wk/"  ... Do you have a idea to fix this ? 

I cannot see how this happens with the rewrite rules you posted, but you 
wrote that you are using another URLDispatcher. So I assume,

is somehow redirected to something like

But because the redirected URI is completly different, Webware cannot 
determine the correct cookie path and sets it to '/wk' instead of '/'.

Can you check the following? In WebKit/ there are the 
following lines (two times):

if i >= 0:
     self._servletPath = self._uri[:i]

Can you change both of these cases to:

self._servletPath = i >= 0 and self._uri[:i] or '/'

Let me know if this solves the problem.

-- Chris

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